Thursday, January 31, 2008
More diamonds
Many of you might recall a previous post about a girl at school finding diamonds. Well, God gave her more. She went to check out a new home group and was praying that it would be something out of the ordinary, not just the same ol' usual small group stuff. During worship God started raining down diamonds. They found 7 at the meeting. Then her and her friend went back to her apartment and began asking God for more, so they received more. The next morning when she woke up her and her husband found a heart shaped diamond in the same spot that they found their first one. CRAZY! I want one so bad. Apparently, I need to start hanging out with her. :p
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Bethel cancelled school today. No, I'm not kidding. It's raining and sometimes it turn a little slushie, but they were worried about their steep driveway getting icy. Don't get me wrong it's nice having an off day (Holly and I rented some movies), but the weather is really not that bad. Then we got an e-mail saying they might cancel school tomorrow too. What?! Holly ran into a couple from Canada at the video store and they were like "We get a foot of snow and still go out." I can just imagine their faces. Oh man, it's so crazy it funny. Oh well! Yay for sweat pants and movies.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Here's your update :)
The family has requested an update. While I don't have anything super outrageous to post, I think I can come up with something. For example, I was cleaning out my Hotmail inbox on Saturday because I'm a clean freak and having clutter even on the internet drives me up the wall, and I found these pictures that my dad took when he was in town in December. I had forgotten that they were in there, but they're kind of fun so I thought I would share.

Me and my ride

Look at the size of that leaf. That's huge. We found it on our morning stroll and being the geeks that we are we took a picture with my dad's camera phone.
I was the lead teacher today again at school, but everything should be back to normal tomorrow. We only had 12 students, but it was a rough day. One of my little friends was really struggling and throwing huge fits. I've never seen such fits out of this little one. It was frustrating don't get me wrong, but I really just wanted to let him know that he was loved. I can't go into details, but it was so sad. After the second fit, I just sat there and held him for a while until he calmed down. Somedays it's hard to know if I'm making a difference in their lives, but I know there's no such thing as a wasted prayer so I keep trekking on.
In other very exciting, earth-shattering was finally sunny again! The weather people predicted rain again, but it was sunny. Thank you Jesus. I went outside for a walk then rode my bike for a bit. Good day. I don't know if the weather is really hard to predict here or what, but they sure do get it wrong a lot. I like when they get the rain part wrong. :D
Okay, that's all for now. I'll try to have more "can't live without news" soon. :D

Me and my ride

Look at the size of that leaf. That's huge. We found it on our morning stroll and being the geeks that we are we took a picture with my dad's camera phone.
I was the lead teacher today again at school, but everything should be back to normal tomorrow. We only had 12 students, but it was a rough day. One of my little friends was really struggling and throwing huge fits. I've never seen such fits out of this little one. It was frustrating don't get me wrong, but I really just wanted to let him know that he was loved. I can't go into details, but it was so sad. After the second fit, I just sat there and held him for a while until he calmed down. Somedays it's hard to know if I'm making a difference in their lives, but I know there's no such thing as a wasted prayer so I keep trekking on.
In other very exciting, earth-shattering was finally sunny again! The weather people predicted rain again, but it was sunny. Thank you Jesus. I went outside for a walk then rode my bike for a bit. Good day. I don't know if the weather is really hard to predict here or what, but they sure do get it wrong a lot. I like when they get the rain part wrong. :D
Okay, that's all for now. I'll try to have more "can't live without news" soon. :D
Monday, January 21, 2008
Sunday, January 20, 2008
We watched this today in Children's Ministry. If this doesn't stir your heart, you might want to check your pulse.
Check out this video: A New Generation of Praying Children
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Check out this video: A New Generation of Praying Children
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Friday, January 18, 2008
Another great Preschool story
WARNING: If you don't like graphic details don't read this post. :)
One of our little preschoolers got sick today at recess. She was really good about staying in one place on the playground, but then she was pretty upset. Her sister helped her into the room though and that was so cute! Of course some of the students didn't see what had happened and being the inquisitive 3 to 5 year olds that they are we had to have a discussion. I was dialoguing with this one student in particular.
He asked, "Why did she go inside?"
I replied, "Well, she got sick, so she's going in to rest." (This went back and forth a few more times.)
The little boy finally asked, "So, she threw up?"
I said, "Yeah, she did."
He paused for a moment and then said, "Was it white?" (You have to love preschoolers.)
"Yes, yes it was."
He goes on to inform me with this: "Oh, mine is never white. I have baked tomato throw up."
Ah yes, thank you for the visual. It makes me laugh though how honest they are. It's such a picture of how we should be child-like in our walk with Papa in heaven.
If you enjoyed this story, be sure to check out yesterdays post about other bodily functions. Never a dull moment in preschool. :D
One of our little preschoolers got sick today at recess. She was really good about staying in one place on the playground, but then she was pretty upset. Her sister helped her into the room though and that was so cute! Of course some of the students didn't see what had happened and being the inquisitive 3 to 5 year olds that they are we had to have a discussion. I was dialoguing with this one student in particular.
He asked, "Why did she go inside?"
I replied, "Well, she got sick, so she's going in to rest." (This went back and forth a few more times.)
The little boy finally asked, "So, she threw up?"
I said, "Yeah, she did."
He paused for a moment and then said, "Was it white?" (You have to love preschoolers.)
"Yes, yes it was."
He goes on to inform me with this: "Oh, mine is never white. I have baked tomato throw up."
Ah yes, thank you for the visual. It makes me laugh though how honest they are. It's such a picture of how we should be child-like in our walk with Papa in heaven.
If you enjoyed this story, be sure to check out yesterdays post about other bodily functions. Never a dull moment in preschool. :D
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Diamonds are a girl's best friend
Whew. It's been a few days since my last post. Busy days. There have been some crazy testimonies at school. My personal favorite from the week is about diamonds.
There's a young married couple out here and the wife is in the school. Money is tight for them so they didn't exchange Christmas presents, just cupcakes. :) The husband had been kind of down and doubting whether or not they should be out here. When they were going to bed after their Christmas cupcake celebration, he noticed something shiny in the middle of their bed. He picked it up to toss it out, but when it got to about his ear he realized it was hard. He brought it back down and noticed it looked very similar to a diamond. They were both excited and decided to have it looked at when they were back home at their jeweler. So, over Christmas break they took it to their jeweler and the jeweler said it didn't match any of their charts and tests. It was the most perfect diamond they had seen. They offered this couple 10,000 dollars to study this 1 carat diamond. They of course said no way. After Christmas break, the couple found another one on their floor next to a pile of laundry. So, now they have two. Amazing! (I want one, or an emerald, sapphire, pearls...)
This new work schedule is rough, but it does make time fly. A funny story from today and then I'm done. There's one little girl in my class who is particularly cute. During recess today she had to go to the "potty" so I took her in. Preschoolers are great for being blunt and just laying it all out there. There will be quotes in this story, so if you're not one for direct preschool language when it comes to potty talk, don't read any further. On a typical potty break this little girl bends over and touches her toes when she's finished with her business and waits for someone to make sure she's nice and dry. I've taken it upon myself to encourage her to practice wiping her own behind since she's a big girl who comes to school now. So, today when she's going potty I ask her, "Are you finished?" She replies, "No, I have to poop." (Okay, thanks for the detailed info, a "no" would have been sufficient.) I then proceed to ask her, "Have you been practicing at home?" (Oh Jenny, you need to be specific with such young children...) The little girl looks at me for a moment, with a straight face I might add, and then says, "Don't worry, I can push it out." Oh man, I cracked up for a good minute while she continued to sit with a straight face. I then composed myself and said, "No, what I meant was, have you been practicing wiping your own butt when you're at home?" She thought for another moment and then said, "I think I did yesterday." Ah, preschoolers. She soon finished her business, but before bending over to touch her toes she proceeded to count what was in the toilet. I kid you not. Everything is truly a teachable moment I suppose. Preschoolers are good stuff.
There's a young married couple out here and the wife is in the school. Money is tight for them so they didn't exchange Christmas presents, just cupcakes. :) The husband had been kind of down and doubting whether or not they should be out here. When they were going to bed after their Christmas cupcake celebration, he noticed something shiny in the middle of their bed. He picked it up to toss it out, but when it got to about his ear he realized it was hard. He brought it back down and noticed it looked very similar to a diamond. They were both excited and decided to have it looked at when they were back home at their jeweler. So, over Christmas break they took it to their jeweler and the jeweler said it didn't match any of their charts and tests. It was the most perfect diamond they had seen. They offered this couple 10,000 dollars to study this 1 carat diamond. They of course said no way. After Christmas break, the couple found another one on their floor next to a pile of laundry. So, now they have two. Amazing! (I want one, or an emerald, sapphire, pearls...)
This new work schedule is rough, but it does make time fly. A funny story from today and then I'm done. There's one little girl in my class who is particularly cute. During recess today she had to go to the "potty" so I took her in. Preschoolers are great for being blunt and just laying it all out there. There will be quotes in this story, so if you're not one for direct preschool language when it comes to potty talk, don't read any further. On a typical potty break this little girl bends over and touches her toes when she's finished with her business and waits for someone to make sure she's nice and dry. I've taken it upon myself to encourage her to practice wiping her own behind since she's a big girl who comes to school now. So, today when she's going potty I ask her, "Are you finished?" She replies, "No, I have to poop." (Okay, thanks for the detailed info, a "no" would have been sufficient.) I then proceed to ask her, "Have you been practicing at home?" (Oh Jenny, you need to be specific with such young children...) The little girl looks at me for a moment, with a straight face I might add, and then says, "Don't worry, I can push it out." Oh man, I cracked up for a good minute while she continued to sit with a straight face. I then composed myself and said, "No, what I meant was, have you been practicing wiping your own butt when you're at home?" She thought for another moment and then said, "I think I did yesterday." Ah, preschoolers. She soon finished her business, but before bending over to touch her toes she proceeded to count what was in the toilet. I kid you not. Everything is truly a teachable moment I suppose. Preschoolers are good stuff.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
2 posts in one day, y'all better catch up.
So my walk today was absolutely fabulous. It's January 13th and I was in shorts. It was sunny and about 65, but the sun felt sooooo warm. I even had my sun roof open. I just wanted to sit it in all afternoon. I'm not trying to rub it in, but it just blows my mind that it can be this warm in January, plus we've had such rainy weather that this felt really good. The weird thing though is that I could see snow all around me on the mountains, yet I had shorts on.
Part of the trail that I walk on had gotten kind of swampy so there were all these frogs making this noise that they do. It was wild.
I had to go to Sunday night service tonight and they were doing baptisms. Those are always fun. When they were over, Kris Vallotton got up and said there are two people here whom God has rescued over and over and over and you always say you're going to give your life to Him, so you need to come up and get baptized. After a few moments, a man and a woman went up. The man went first and he was crying so hard. It was amazing. Then all of his friends and family stormed the stage after he was dunked to celebrate with him. Lots o' tears.
After the baptisms, Kris said he saw God healing tumors, so he had everyone in the room with a tumor stand up and we prayed for them. A few moments passed by and the ferverant prayer died down and Kris had a young lady up on stage. He said, "We have an awesome testimony." This girl told us how she had a tumor/mass of fat on her back for many years. If it got any bigger, the doctors told her it would rupture and cause serious damage to her organs. Everytime people asked her to check it out it got smaller. On the third time, before the people asked her to check it out, she heard Jesus whisper in her ear, "It's healed, baby!" No more tumor!
And on that note, I'm off to bed. Work so early in the morning.
So my walk today was absolutely fabulous. It's January 13th and I was in shorts. It was sunny and about 65, but the sun felt sooooo warm. I even had my sun roof open. I just wanted to sit it in all afternoon. I'm not trying to rub it in, but it just blows my mind that it can be this warm in January, plus we've had such rainy weather that this felt really good. The weird thing though is that I could see snow all around me on the mountains, yet I had shorts on.
Part of the trail that I walk on had gotten kind of swampy so there were all these frogs making this noise that they do. It was wild.
I had to go to Sunday night service tonight and they were doing baptisms. Those are always fun. When they were over, Kris Vallotton got up and said there are two people here whom God has rescued over and over and over and you always say you're going to give your life to Him, so you need to come up and get baptized. After a few moments, a man and a woman went up. The man went first and he was crying so hard. It was amazing. Then all of his friends and family stormed the stage after he was dunked to celebrate with him. Lots o' tears.
After the baptisms, Kris said he saw God healing tumors, so he had everyone in the room with a tumor stand up and we prayed for them. A few moments passed by and the ferverant prayer died down and Kris had a young lady up on stage. He said, "We have an awesome testimony." This girl told us how she had a tumor/mass of fat on her back for many years. If it got any bigger, the doctors told her it would rupture and cause serious damage to her organs. Everytime people asked her to check it out it got smaller. On the third time, before the people asked her to check it out, she heard Jesus whisper in her ear, "It's healed, baby!" No more tumor!
And on that note, I'm off to bed. Work so early in the morning.
Bucket List
After biking for the first time in a couple of weeks, I took my shocked hammies out and about for a bit. I had some errands to run and then I was going to see a movie. Holly has another cold, so I wanted to get away from the germs. I drove down to the outlet mall to kill some time before my movie, plus I was looking for this specific pair of shoes. One store had them and I was so excited! They're so comfy. My little rant about the outlet mall though is that even they have reward cards. I opened two new reward cards yesterday even though I probably won't shop in either store for the rest of the year. More junk mail coming my way is probably all I'll get.
I go to get my movie ticket at 1:20, but the showing isn't until 3:00. Apparently, I had mixed up my movie theaters and times. Bummer. I had to kill some more time, but that was okay because I didn't feel like coming back to the apartment. 4:00 finally arrived and I bought my ticket for Bucket List. I liked it. The beginning was a little sad, but the point of the whole movie was this "bucket list" where you make a list of things you want to do before you die. Morgan Freeman is a genius and one of my favorite actors so I liked it all the more.
Well, I'm off to do some homework and then go for a walk. It's sunny and 60. Supposed to be like that all week, which is so good because it's been raining for the past 3 weeks.
I go to get my movie ticket at 1:20, but the showing isn't until 3:00. Apparently, I had mixed up my movie theaters and times. Bummer. I had to kill some more time, but that was okay because I didn't feel like coming back to the apartment. 4:00 finally arrived and I bought my ticket for Bucket List. I liked it. The beginning was a little sad, but the point of the whole movie was this "bucket list" where you make a list of things you want to do before you die. Morgan Freeman is a genius and one of my favorite actors so I liked it all the more.
Well, I'm off to do some homework and then go for a walk. It's sunny and 60. Supposed to be like that all week, which is so good because it's been raining for the past 3 weeks.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Holy Moly
It's days like today that remind me of why I came out here in the first place. Tuesdays are days when Bill Johnson comes in to talk. Often, he's gone on conferences, so it's always exciting to see him. He wanted to hear about people's testimonies from break and they were soooooo good. My personal favorite was from a young lady who's pretty wild. She knew a lady back home who's been in a coma for 14 years. Yes, years. Before she left for Christmas break, she had some people pray for her and the lady so she might go back and have some breakthrough. She returned home and her and her mom went to the hospital to pray for this lady. As soon as the student broke the spirit of death off this person she woke up. They continued to pray for her brain so she could show emotion, for her neck and body (she was paralyzed), and her speech. By the time they left the lady who had previously been in the coma was crying, speaking faintly and moving her limbs. HOLY MOLY, GOD IS GOOD!
I also had my first career ministry development class today with Kevin Dedmon. It was amazing. He'll be in India for the next two weeks, but he has some more great teachers lined up for us.
Okay, off to bed. Have to get up at the crack of dawn for another super packed day.
I also had my first career ministry development class today with Kevin Dedmon. It was amazing. He'll be in India for the next two weeks, but he has some more great teachers lined up for us.
Okay, off to bed. Have to get up at the crack of dawn for another super packed day.
Monday, January 7, 2008
Back in Cali
I'm back in Redding. It's sunny today which makes me so happy! When I left it was raining and when I returned it was raining. It's supposed to rain again tomorrow and for the next four days, so I got out and enjoyed it today. I have all my blinds open high too, let the sunshine in ya know. Supposed to be sunny on the weekend though so I can get out and play again. Enough about weather.
I'm pretty much adjusted already I think. It's so much easier flying west than it is east. Not much planned for today. I have a few more errands to run, but other than that I'm gonna take it easy because tomorrow the hectic schedule begins.
This post is going no where and it's boring so, I'm ending it. :D
I'm pretty much adjusted already I think. It's so much easier flying west than it is east. Not much planned for today. I have a few more errands to run, but other than that I'm gonna take it easy because tomorrow the hectic schedule begins.
This post is going no where and it's boring so, I'm ending it. :D
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