I had to go back to Gateway to get more paperwork today. I have more stuff to fill out to be a sub than I did when I was an actual teacher. Craziness. Then I had to skidaddle on down to Public Health to get a TB test. Next I inhaled some lunch before school.
We had a fire drill at school today. Then Ben Armstrong got up and told us about his daughter playing with glory bubbles all Saturday night. She stayed up all night popping these things and when she did angels would appear. How wild is that? She was playing with them up until the time they left for church. She even asked her dad if he could see them. Ben said she wasn't tired or cranky at all on Sunday. Cool. Danny Silk got up after that and gave a good talk on Identity and Intimacy. We rounded out the day with our last class of our first AMT. We even had some visitors from Japan who have had Bethel missions teams come to their church, so they were very gracious and complementary about the work we do. Next week, we'll start our next "elective" or AMT. I don't really remember what I picked, so it will kind of be like a surprise. I think I picked intercession, but I'm not sure. :)
In a few minutes I have to head back to Bethel for a Children's Ministry meeting. Hope it's good, I'm sleepy.
It feels like I'm forgetting to write about something, but if that's the case I'll just post later. :)
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Friday, October 26, 2007
I'll be back
I had to find the Redding Police Department today so I could be fingerprinted. (I'm going to sub periodically for Gateway School District) Anyway, I turned on Carlos and hit Redding CHP. It was under the police menu, and it was only a couple of minutes away so I went for it. I pull in to the parking lot and it's the California Highway Patrol Office. Well, I figured they should be able to point me in the right direction of the police department and I was right. While I was waiting though, I was scoping out the place and I must say it's so weird that even though I know that Arnold Schrawzenegger (or however you spell his name) is the state governor, I guess I didn't really realize it. However, when you're standing in a California Highway Patrol office and Arnold's picture is on the wall and his name is on the door as the governor of California, suddenly it sinks in. It's just funny seeing him in a suit and tie instead of his Terminator get up.
Other tidbits from the day...I'm amazed at how many people don't know how to spell Cincinnati. In the last month or so, I've probably been asked to spell it at least 5 times. Strange.
Got to go get some milk, then eat dinner, then go back to Bethel (just in case you were wondering what I was doing with the rest of my day). :)
Other tidbits from the day...I'm amazed at how many people don't know how to spell Cincinnati. In the last month or so, I've probably been asked to spell it at least 5 times. Strange.
Got to go get some milk, then eat dinner, then go back to Bethel (just in case you were wondering what I was doing with the rest of my day). :)
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Open Heavens Conference
They're having an Open Heavens Conference out here this week so there's people everywhere! All the students had to sign up to volunteer, so I worked the book table from 9-10 today. Super easy and they have so much good stuff that I want. Anyway, Bill Johnson walks in so I'm having a freak out celebrity moment again. He walks right over to where I'm standing, looks at a tag and says, "This book isn't new (it was one of his), I'm crossing this out." Then he proceeds to take out a pen and cross out the part that says it's new. He was laughing the whole time, but I just found it funny that he actually crossed out the "New!" Then he mosied on along to see what else we were selling.
During the first announcements of the conference they were announcing countries that people have flown in from. It's insane. Here are a few: Egypt, Australia, the Czech Republic, Cypress, UK, Norway, Brazil, Peru, Mexico, Iceland, New Zealand, France (!), and Switzerland. I'm sure I'm forgetting some, but I was amazed that these people travel that many miles to come to Bethel. Bill asked if he forgot any countries and one lady stood up and said, "I'm from Texas." :)
Time for a quick bite and then it's back to school.
During the first announcements of the conference they were announcing countries that people have flown in from. It's insane. Here are a few: Egypt, Australia, the Czech Republic, Cypress, UK, Norway, Brazil, Peru, Mexico, Iceland, New Zealand, France (!), and Switzerland. I'm sure I'm forgetting some, but I was amazed that these people travel that many miles to come to Bethel. Bill asked if he forgot any countries and one lady stood up and said, "I'm from Texas." :)
Time for a quick bite and then it's back to school.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
I passed Bill Johnson in the Hebrews lobby last night. It still has that awe factor of "Oh my gosh, I just walked by Bill Johnson." It is his church, but it feels funny seeing him there...surreal I guess.
I went to the Children's Ministry open house. Fantastic. Their children are learning and experiencing so much! I signed up to volunteer so I can't wait to find out what my job will be.
This may be the shortest post ever...
I went to the Children's Ministry open house. Fantastic. Their children are learning and experiencing so much! I signed up to volunteer so I can't wait to find out what my job will be.
This may be the shortest post ever...
Monday, October 22, 2007
New pics
It's supposed to be sunny and 80 all week. Hard for me to comprehend considering we're nearing the end of October. Anyway, it looked like a pretty clear morning so I decided to go down by the river and take my camera. I ended up walking on the other part of the trail that I had never been on. Way better than the other side! But, my camera died. How I could leave the house with 3/4 of a battery and then have it die after only 3 pictures is beyond me, but I'll just have to go back later this week. I also want to go out towards Mt. Shasta when it's clear like this. So, hopefully later this week I'll have a chance to do that.
The first two pictures are actually of some clouds we had after it rained all day (last Friday). I'm talking pouring rain all day long and then the sun came out and we had these huge, puffy white clouds. This picture doesn't do it justice at all, but I thought I'd put it up anyway.
The other two pictures are the Sundial Bridge (it's actually a sundial) and the Sacramento River. I'll have way cooler shots for you soon when I get some new batteries in my camera. :)

The first two pictures are actually of some clouds we had after it rained all day (last Friday). I'm talking pouring rain all day long and then the sun came out and we had these huge, puffy white clouds. This picture doesn't do it justice at all, but I thought I'd put it up anyway.
The other two pictures are the Sundial Bridge (it's actually a sundial) and the Sacramento River. I'll have way cooler shots for you soon when I get some new batteries in my camera. :)

Sunday, October 21, 2007
Who wants to hear a testimony?
Some great testimonies this weekend!
On Friday, the children's pastor here at Bethel (Deborah Reed) came to talk to us. She had us picture God pouring out His Spirit and revival on all the countries of the world. After a few minutes she had us open our eyes and said, "If you didn't picture children in your mind, there's something wrong with your view. 52% of the world's population is children." Her message was that we need to be equipping our children and calling them into their destiny. Anyway, Deborah travels to several countries to train churches on how to lead their children. She has developed a year long curriculum that includes topics like prayer, worship, healing and raising the dead. She has visited this one particular place down by Hawaii several times. Recently, she received a call from this island church and they proceeded to tell her that their children had raised an older, grandmother from the dead! This team of children had been going door to door to pray for people and while they were in one house, this grandmother died. So they prayed for her and then even followed her to the hospital where she was pronounced dead. Not accepting this, the children continued to pray and alas, she awoke! Deborah Reed has teams of children here at Bethel that worship, prophesy and pray for the sick. They prayed for a lady with very bad breast cancer for half an hour and then they went back to their pizza party. Two days later, the lady reported that the doctors could no longer find cancer anywhere in her body.
The Call in Las Vegas was yesterday so they had some cool reports today at church. Bethel had sent a large team and as they entered Las Vegas they were reading the hotel billboards. These billboards often display who's signing or who has won the jackpot. The first billboard they say said "Jesus won". That was enough to stir them up. Anyway, there were lots of good healings and salvations throughout the day, but I'll share two favorites. First, 30 minutes into the event there was a lady running around the outside of the stadium. She hadn't even come into the event yet, she was outside. Why was she running you ask? She had been in a wheelchair for 20 years due to MS. Yesterday was the first time in 20 years she could get up and stand, walk, and run! Praise God. The other cool story was about a prostitute. Somehow she had found her way to the Call, a 12 hour prayer meeting. She came up and gave her life to Christ and to purity from that point on. I can only imagine the chills in the place when she did this. :)
Good stuff, huh?
There will be a Call in Cincinnati on January 12th (US Bank Arena). You can find out more information at thecall.com. Check it out for sure!
On Friday, the children's pastor here at Bethel (Deborah Reed) came to talk to us. She had us picture God pouring out His Spirit and revival on all the countries of the world. After a few minutes she had us open our eyes and said, "If you didn't picture children in your mind, there's something wrong with your view. 52% of the world's population is children." Her message was that we need to be equipping our children and calling them into their destiny. Anyway, Deborah travels to several countries to train churches on how to lead their children. She has developed a year long curriculum that includes topics like prayer, worship, healing and raising the dead. She has visited this one particular place down by Hawaii several times. Recently, she received a call from this island church and they proceeded to tell her that their children had raised an older, grandmother from the dead! This team of children had been going door to door to pray for people and while they were in one house, this grandmother died. So they prayed for her and then even followed her to the hospital where she was pronounced dead. Not accepting this, the children continued to pray and alas, she awoke! Deborah Reed has teams of children here at Bethel that worship, prophesy and pray for the sick. They prayed for a lady with very bad breast cancer for half an hour and then they went back to their pizza party. Two days later, the lady reported that the doctors could no longer find cancer anywhere in her body.
The Call in Las Vegas was yesterday so they had some cool reports today at church. Bethel had sent a large team and as they entered Las Vegas they were reading the hotel billboards. These billboards often display who's signing or who has won the jackpot. The first billboard they say said "Jesus won". That was enough to stir them up. Anyway, there were lots of good healings and salvations throughout the day, but I'll share two favorites. First, 30 minutes into the event there was a lady running around the outside of the stadium. She hadn't even come into the event yet, she was outside. Why was she running you ask? She had been in a wheelchair for 20 years due to MS. Yesterday was the first time in 20 years she could get up and stand, walk, and run! Praise God. The other cool story was about a prostitute. Somehow she had found her way to the Call, a 12 hour prayer meeting. She came up and gave her life to Christ and to purity from that point on. I can only imagine the chills in the place when she did this. :)
Good stuff, huh?
There will be a Call in Cincinnati on January 12th (US Bank Arena). You can find out more information at thecall.com. Check it out for sure!
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Hello White People
Another rainy day here in Redding, but a most excellent one.
The past two days they've been teaching on the Father's Love and we've been doing some soak times to have an encounter with our Papa. Today, they had some people come up and tell testimonies about what they experienced yesterday. They were SO good. A black student gets up there and says "Hello, white people." Everyone cracked up! It was hilarious. Besides a few foreigners, there are only a handful of black people at Bethel. Anyway, this student was hilarious throughout his whole testimony, future preacher on our hands I think. The best part was his transformation of course, but his revival group leader ended up praying for him yesterday and asked God to break this vow he had spoken over himself. The student was amazed because he hadn't told anyone about this vow, but the Holy Spirit revealed it to his revival group leader. By the time he was done with his testimony everyone was on their feet cheering him on and God for doing this amazing work. Another girl from his home state, Alabama, stood up to pray in the gap for his family, hometown, and the black community for what he's going to take back to them. Then a bunch of people stormed the stage to bless him. It was crazy goodness.
We also went out on our first outreach today. I carved pumpkins with some kiddies. They were so wound up because they were excited to see us, but it was good.
No free Chipotle. The line was sooooo long. And although I feel slightly poor, I didn't feel poor enough to stand in the long line in the rain. I had leftover instead. :)
The past two days they've been teaching on the Father's Love and we've been doing some soak times to have an encounter with our Papa. Today, they had some people come up and tell testimonies about what they experienced yesterday. They were SO good. A black student gets up there and says "Hello, white people." Everyone cracked up! It was hilarious. Besides a few foreigners, there are only a handful of black people at Bethel. Anyway, this student was hilarious throughout his whole testimony, future preacher on our hands I think. The best part was his transformation of course, but his revival group leader ended up praying for him yesterday and asked God to break this vow he had spoken over himself. The student was amazed because he hadn't told anyone about this vow, but the Holy Spirit revealed it to his revival group leader. By the time he was done with his testimony everyone was on their feet cheering him on and God for doing this amazing work. Another girl from his home state, Alabama, stood up to pray in the gap for his family, hometown, and the black community for what he's going to take back to them. Then a bunch of people stormed the stage to bless him. It was crazy goodness.
We also went out on our first outreach today. I carved pumpkins with some kiddies. They were so wound up because they were excited to see us, but it was good.
No free Chipotle. The line was sooooo long. And although I feel slightly poor, I didn't feel poor enough to stand in the long line in the rain. I had leftover instead. :)
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Yay for friends
We had an excellent Bible class today. We were doing geography doodling and timelines-stuff I need and like! Dann Farrelly, our Bible teacher, is so funny too. You should definitely watch his video announcements online (welovethebulletin.com).
In other news, I received a package from home today from my beautiful, new mommy, friend, Barb. It was the perfect timing too. Yesterday and today I've kind of been in a funk missing all the people and comforts of home. Then during class today, I was like "Man, a Frisch's cheeseburger would be way excellent right now." So, I check the mail today and there was a package filled with all my Cincinnati favorites! Skyline chili, Montgomery Inn barbecue sauce, some cookies-like those yummy buttery ones from Busken, Frisch's tartar sauce, and some chocolate! When she asked me what I wanted I just suggested Skyline, but she definitely sent me some great stuff. Thanks Barb!
(I love everyone's e-mails and blog comments from home too, so keep those coming!)
Tomorrow is free Chipotle day. We have a new one in town and they're giving Bethel students a free burrito and a free soft drink. I'm not really a big fan of Chipotle, but hey if it's free it's for me. I will try it again. :)
Okay, off to SOZO training. For those of you who are like, huh?, it stands for saved, healed, and delivered. Learning how to get people free. :D
In other news, I received a package from home today from my beautiful, new mommy, friend, Barb. It was the perfect timing too. Yesterday and today I've kind of been in a funk missing all the people and comforts of home. Then during class today, I was like "Man, a Frisch's cheeseburger would be way excellent right now." So, I check the mail today and there was a package filled with all my Cincinnati favorites! Skyline chili, Montgomery Inn barbecue sauce, some cookies-like those yummy buttery ones from Busken, Frisch's tartar sauce, and some chocolate! When she asked me what I wanted I just suggested Skyline, but she definitely sent me some great stuff. Thanks Barb!
(I love everyone's e-mails and blog comments from home too, so keep those coming!)
Tomorrow is free Chipotle day. We have a new one in town and they're giving Bethel students a free burrito and a free soft drink. I'm not really a big fan of Chipotle, but hey if it's free it's for me. I will try it again. :)
Okay, off to SOZO training. For those of you who are like, huh?, it stands for saved, healed, and delivered. Learning how to get people free. :D
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Update on prayer requests and Oil Story
A few posts ago I had asked for you to join me in prayer for a fellow classmate's mom who was missing in France and for a friend who is pregnant and has a spider bite. The mom has been found! Apparently though, she has the last stages of breast cancer and that is why she wouldn't contact anyone. So, please continue to pray for her. Also, my other friend, Sarah, who is pregnant is doing okay. She still has a weird rash, but the doctors assure her that the little one growing inside her is doing fine. And, of course we're believing that God is protecting the baby from the antibiotics!
You can add me to your prayer lists-I keep getting headaches at school. :(
Now, for a cool story. So on Sunday night, I wrote about how Pastor Bill laid hands on everyone at the church. Well, he also annointed us with this oil. The oil happened to be from the church in Puerto Rico where it has been dripping down the walls and out of Pastor Dennis' bible. Anyway, Pastor Bill annointed every single head on Sunday night, we're talking close to 1,000 people. And...when he was all done...none of the oil was gone! WOW!
You can add me to your prayer lists-I keep getting headaches at school. :(
Now, for a cool story. So on Sunday night, I wrote about how Pastor Bill laid hands on everyone at the church. Well, he also annointed us with this oil. The oil happened to be from the church in Puerto Rico where it has been dripping down the walls and out of Pastor Dennis' bible. Anyway, Pastor Bill annointed every single head on Sunday night, we're talking close to 1,000 people. And...when he was all done...none of the oil was gone! WOW!
Monday, October 15, 2007
Everyone can come
Yesterday afternoon Holly and I went to see Tyler Perry's new movie "Why Did I Get Married?". It was pretty good. When we arrived home Holly checked her voice messages and found a nice surprise. Our friend, Angela, had called and said, "I don't know if you heard, but Pastor Bill has invited everyone to come to service tonight regardless of which service you've been assigned." What! So we took a quick pottie break and jumped right back in the car. Holly and I thought for sure Bob Jones was going to be there because he was in California this weekend, but it wasn't him.
Worship was an hour and fifteen minutes long and it was electrified in there. I can't explain how it felt. Danny Silk was supposed to talk, but gave it up so Pastor Bill could. He gave this great message about Pentecost being more than just receiving tongues. It was about receiving a fresh fire for Jesus, a boldness to do whatever He asked. In Acts, 120 people had stuck around and pressed in for 10 days and then God came. (There's more, but I'm not typing the whole sermon) We also watched this really cool video from Patricia King where she was interviewing Pastor Dennis (I don't remember where he was from) who is seeing a ton of signs and wonders in his church. His church is dripping oil everywhere. It even drips out of his Bible. He's also received over 1200 gemstones. You can watch it on extremeprophetic.com. It will stretch you. :)
So, at the end of the message Bill said he was going to lay hands on every person who wanted it. Everyone got in lines; some in the hallway, the overflow room, we were in the cafeteria. We were about 6 feet apart in case people fell out in the Spirit. Then he just came around with his oil and quickly prayed for each person. Some of his staff we're praying as well, so we had more than one person praying for us. It was GOOD stuff. We left about 10:30 and people we're laying all over the hallways. It was cool that that many people stuck around for a touch from God.
I was hoping to sleep in today, but I awoke to hammering next door. 7:00 hammering away. Holly was not a happy camper. :) She even went over there, but they didn't answer her. Oh well, I got lots to get done. Laundry, cleaning, homework...
Worship was an hour and fifteen minutes long and it was electrified in there. I can't explain how it felt. Danny Silk was supposed to talk, but gave it up so Pastor Bill could. He gave this great message about Pentecost being more than just receiving tongues. It was about receiving a fresh fire for Jesus, a boldness to do whatever He asked. In Acts, 120 people had stuck around and pressed in for 10 days and then God came. (There's more, but I'm not typing the whole sermon) We also watched this really cool video from Patricia King where she was interviewing Pastor Dennis (I don't remember where he was from) who is seeing a ton of signs and wonders in his church. His church is dripping oil everywhere. It even drips out of his Bible. He's also received over 1200 gemstones. You can watch it on extremeprophetic.com. It will stretch you. :)
So, at the end of the message Bill said he was going to lay hands on every person who wanted it. Everyone got in lines; some in the hallway, the overflow room, we were in the cafeteria. We were about 6 feet apart in case people fell out in the Spirit. Then he just came around with his oil and quickly prayed for each person. Some of his staff we're praying as well, so we had more than one person praying for us. It was GOOD stuff. We left about 10:30 and people we're laying all over the hallways. It was cool that that many people stuck around for a touch from God.
I was hoping to sleep in today, but I awoke to hammering next door. 7:00 hammering away. Holly was not a happy camper. :) She even went over there, but they didn't answer her. Oh well, I got lots to get done. Laundry, cleaning, homework...
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Sweatin' it out
When was the last time you were dripping because you were dancing so much before the Lord? Worship was crazy good last night again. Georgian Banov did the Friday night service so he was crankin' it up and bustin' out the fiddle. People were jumping and doing the dos-i-doe. It was way fun, but man I burned some serious calories. :) He also gave the message. We heard a little more about his ministry and it sounds phenomenal! He's going to Nicaragua over Christmas to feed the orphans. He'll go to Israel in February to do some supernatural conferences for the Palestinians. In July he's going to Romania, Turkey, and Bulgaria to minister to the gypsies. And, for the grand finale, he's going to Mozambique in September to help out at Rolland and Heidi Baker's orphanage. I want to go on all of them! I'm definitely going to connect with this ministry at some point, it's too good.
Homework and house chores today, then who knows. :)
Homework and house chores today, then who knows. :)
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Fiddlin' is cool
We had Georgian Banov come to school today. He led worship and he spoke! Worship was so good. The atmosphere is often thick with God's glory, but it was really thick today. He led with electric guitar, but every once in a while he would put that down and pick up his violin. He is a crazy good fiddler. I want to find out more about him. It sounds like he has a really cool ministry. He travels to Jerusalem and loves on the Palestinian refugees and at Christmas he goes to Nicaragua and feeds 10,000 in an orphanage!
I met my outreach group as well today. I got my number #1 choice-mentoring! I'll have a buddy at the California Apartment complex and it will be great fun.
Okay, that is all for now. :)
I met my outreach group as well today. I got my number #1 choice-mentoring! I'll have a buddy at the California Apartment complex and it will be great fun.
Okay, that is all for now. :)
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
This is serious
Hola amigos!
I know my post sometimes ramble on about nothing, but this one is important.
Yesterday it was announced at school that one of our classmates, Jenny, needed prayer. Her mom is missing in France. We all stood and prayed, but I'm asking that you join us asking that her mom would be found quickly.
Also, a good friend of mine, Sarah, has an infected spider bite. Please pray for a quick healing! It's a little tricky for the doctors to treat her because she's pregnant, but our God is the master physician.
And as a testimony that prayer works especially in large numbers...last Thursday Beni Johnson announced that a hate group was coming into town to do a rally. All of the students stood and prayed against it and asked that these people would come to know Jesus. The hate group that was in town...KKK. The weekend passed without any hate rallies...praise God!
I know my post sometimes ramble on about nothing, but this one is important.
Yesterday it was announced at school that one of our classmates, Jenny, needed prayer. Her mom is missing in France. We all stood and prayed, but I'm asking that you join us asking that her mom would be found quickly.
Also, a good friend of mine, Sarah, has an infected spider bite. Please pray for a quick healing! It's a little tricky for the doctors to treat her because she's pregnant, but our God is the master physician.
And as a testimony that prayer works especially in large numbers...last Thursday Beni Johnson announced that a hate group was coming into town to do a rally. All of the students stood and prayed against it and asked that these people would come to know Jesus. The hate group that was in town...KKK. The weekend passed without any hate rallies...praise God!
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Got me a new pin
Well this weekend started with an apple festival in Paradise, California. Paradise was pretty, the apple fest was not so great. They didn't even have apple cider! The little town had some antique stores though, so we mosied through those for a bit. Paradise happens to be right next to Chico, so we stopped back at their big antique store too. Holly bought some more pewter-she likes that stuff. We also stumbled upon a Farmer's Market that was way fun. Holly bought all kinds of produce and flowers. Then we went to Pluto's for lunch. Way good salad. They just have a big bar of all these salad ingredients and they mix up a salad for you. After lunch we walked around a little bit in Chico. We hit one more antique store in Anderson on the way home where I made my only purchase of the day. Check out my way cute (and what a bargain) new pin. Antique stores are so great because you feel like you're shopping, but I hardly ever buy anything.
Sunday was church and more job applications. I think I've filled out 9 applications so far. Nobody likes that I'm coming home for Thanksgiving. Winter breaks seem to be acceptable, but not Thanksgiving. So, I'll just fill out some more.
Monday was highly productive. I got up early and did my laundry, wrote my book report, did my Bible reading, and cleaned! And that was only the morning.
It was back to school today. It was pretty good. Some lady came very close to hitting me in the face three times during worship with her flag, but I survived. :) I was sitting in the back on the floor, all content taking my notes, but someone made me move back to my seat. I'm going to have to find a new seat though because I can't stand being hemmed in for so many hours at a time. I like space, what can I say.
Sunday was church and more job applications. I think I've filled out 9 applications so far. Nobody likes that I'm coming home for Thanksgiving. Winter breaks seem to be acceptable, but not Thanksgiving. So, I'll just fill out some more.
Monday was highly productive. I got up early and did my laundry, wrote my book report, did my Bible reading, and cleaned! And that was only the morning.
It was back to school today. It was pretty good. Some lady came very close to hitting me in the face three times during worship with her flag, but I survived. :) I was sitting in the back on the floor, all content taking my notes, but someone made me move back to my seat. I'm going to have to find a new seat though because I can't stand being hemmed in for so many hours at a time. I like space, what can I say.
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Holly and Jenny got trashed
Trashed by the Holy Spirit and the joy of the Lord that is. All these students get drunk in the spirit at school or they laugh (joy of the Lord) and Holly and I were just talking the other day that we hope it doesn't take all year to feel it. So Friday night services have been slightly hard to get psyched up since we're at school all day. We got there and worship was AWESOME. Then they introduced the speaker for the night, Kevin Dedmon, who imparts the ministry of laughter among other things. Sweet will take it. Some of the second years were wasted during the service. Holly and I started to taste a little of it during service. I had a few moments of extreme laughter, tears streaming down my face, the whole deal. Kevin Dedmon decided to end the night with a Joy tunnel. Those are way better than Fire tunnels. Oh my goodness. Holly and I laughed and shook down the whole thing. One lady touched my stomach and I totally lost it in laughter. It was sooooo fun.
Many of you are probably thinking we're crazy. We are. Crazy for Jesus. I hope the joy of the Lord hits you as you read this. It is so fun. I've never been drunk by alcohol so I don't know what that feels like, but this is WAY better. People just talk to you and laugh with you and prophesy over you. It's great.
Here's the best part. Some lady went through the joy tunnel and got out of her wheelchair. Yep, just an ordinary day in the Kingdom. Come on. That's a good word right there.
Many of you are probably thinking we're crazy. We are. Crazy for Jesus. I hope the joy of the Lord hits you as you read this. It is so fun. I've never been drunk by alcohol so I don't know what that feels like, but this is WAY better. People just talk to you and laugh with you and prophesy over you. It's great.
Here's the best part. Some lady went through the joy tunnel and got out of her wheelchair. Yep, just an ordinary day in the Kingdom. Come on. That's a good word right there.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Interesting Talk Today :)
So everyone was excited today at school because Pastor Kris was going to talk. His talks are always super good. Anyhow, second year joined us so we had 700 and something people packing out the auditorium. Pastor Kris was taking his sweet, merry time telling this story, but it was intriguing. And then...before you know it...we are in the thick of a sex and purity talk. People may have been uncomfortable at first, but it was SO good. Every parent and teenager should hear this message. As soon as I can download it, I'm going to. He's actually writing a book with his daughter-in-law about the whole topic which should be fantastic.
Yes, another short post. I have homework. :)
Yes, another short post. I have homework. :)
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
School gets better and better
We got our mission trip list today! Scream, scream! We had to pick our top 5 choices because they have to sort 720 students into teams. My top five were:
1. Kenya
2. Israel
3. Nicaragua
4. South Africa
5. Cabo
All of them would be amazing. The Kenya trip is visiting a large orphanage though, so that really intrigues me. I should find out in November which team I'm on.
We also got a list of home groups today, so I have to pick one. That is a task for another day because my brain is already fried from all the other excitment today.
I also had my first Missions class. That just has me all stirred up. It was good stuff and it was just basic overview stuff.
Okay, short post. I'm sleepy. ;)
1. Kenya
2. Israel
3. Nicaragua
4. South Africa
5. Cabo
All of them would be amazing. The Kenya trip is visiting a large orphanage though, so that really intrigues me. I should find out in November which team I'm on.
We also got a list of home groups today, so I have to pick one. That is a task for another day because my brain is already fried from all the other excitment today.
I also had my first Missions class. That just has me all stirred up. It was good stuff and it was just basic overview stuff.
Okay, short post. I'm sleepy. ;)
Monday, October 1, 2007
Whiskeytown Lake
Holly and I decided to do our Bible reading by a lake today. Someone had suggested Whiskeytown Lake and since it's only about 15 minutes away we decided to check it out. GORGEOUS! We stopped at several different sides of the lake, hence the differences in color of the water. The water was chilly, but it felt pretty good on my feet because the sun was warm. Lots of little salamanders or geckos or something running around. We also stopped at the visitor center and found out there are several trails that lead to waterfalls. When we have the proper shoe attire on we are going back to see those! Hopefully, next weekend because I do love waterfalls.
In other news, my Bengals are stinking it up once again as I type. So sad.
Back to school tomorrow. First day of Missions class too. Super excited about that!

In other news, my Bengals are stinking it up once again as I type. So sad.
Back to school tomorrow. First day of Missions class too. Super excited about that!

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