Friday, October 26, 2007

I'll be back

I had to find the Redding Police Department today so I could be fingerprinted. (I'm going to sub periodically for Gateway School District) Anyway, I turned on Carlos and hit Redding CHP. It was under the police menu, and it was only a couple of minutes away so I went for it. I pull in to the parking lot and it's the California Highway Patrol Office. Well, I figured they should be able to point me in the right direction of the police department and I was right. While I was waiting though, I was scoping out the place and I must say it's so weird that even though I know that Arnold Schrawzenegger (or however you spell his name) is the state governor, I guess I didn't really realize it. However, when you're standing in a California Highway Patrol office and Arnold's picture is on the wall and his name is on the door as the governor of California, suddenly it sinks in. It's just funny seeing him in a suit and tie instead of his Terminator get up.

Other tidbits from the day...I'm amazed at how many people don't know how to spell Cincinnati. In the last month or so, I've probably been asked to spell it at least 5 times. Strange.

Got to go get some milk, then eat dinner, then go back to Bethel (just in case you were wondering what I was doing with the rest of my day). :)

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