Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Kids say the darndest things

I was out on the playground today and one of my favorite little students came up to me and said, "Miss Jenny, I stuck my tongue out at (another little student who won't be named), but I was just kidding." So after a short discussion, I simply said, "well, thanks for being honest with me." The little boy played for a little bit, but then went up to one of the other teachers and said, "Miss Sue, I told Miss Jenny that I stuck my tongue out at ____ and she honored me." LOL.

More news in children's world...I have to teach 5th grade Sunday school. All the other teachers yelled out the younger grades and I didn't really want to argue so 5th graders here I come. I hope Jesus gives me some creative ideas because they're not impressed with the cheesy stuff like the little ones are! I do have a co-teacher who seems pretty nice, but we don't really know each other yet.

Okay off to veg for an hour. Another busy day tomorrow.

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