Sunday, January 13, 2008

2 posts in one day, y'all better catch up.

So my walk today was absolutely fabulous. It's January 13th and I was in shorts. It was sunny and about 65, but the sun felt sooooo warm. I even had my sun roof open. I just wanted to sit it in all afternoon. I'm not trying to rub it in, but it just blows my mind that it can be this warm in January, plus we've had such rainy weather that this felt really good. The weird thing though is that I could see snow all around me on the mountains, yet I had shorts on.

Part of the trail that I walk on had gotten kind of swampy so there were all these frogs making this noise that they do. It was wild.

I had to go to Sunday night service tonight and they were doing baptisms. Those are always fun. When they were over, Kris Vallotton got up and said there are two people here whom God has rescued over and over and over and you always say you're going to give your life to Him, so you need to come up and get baptized. After a few moments, a man and a woman went up. The man went first and he was crying so hard. It was amazing. Then all of his friends and family stormed the stage after he was dunked to celebrate with him. Lots o' tears.

After the baptisms, Kris said he saw God healing tumors, so he had everyone in the room with a tumor stand up and we prayed for them. A few moments passed by and the ferverant prayer died down and Kris had a young lady up on stage. He said, "We have an awesome testimony." This girl told us how she had a tumor/mass of fat on her back for many years. If it got any bigger, the doctors told her it would rupture and cause serious damage to her organs. Everytime people asked her to check it out it got smaller. On the third time, before the people asked her to check it out, she heard Jesus whisper in her ear, "It's healed, baby!" No more tumor!

And on that note, I'm off to bed. Work so early in the morning.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So how does one sleep after that??
