Thursday, March 13, 2008

God is on the move

I've been seeing such as increase of God lately. Bill Johnson was also just talking about the increase the other day in class. More and more people are experiencing healings and miracles. What's amazing to me is the increase of testimonies of people healed over the phone or from prayers across state lines. Also, what God is doing in children is completely astounding. So, here are a few testimonies to get you jazzed up.

1. A student in the school of ministry recently found out that her mom was having seizures and that they found a nodule on her lung. After the daughter received this news she announced it in school and all 500 of us stood to pray on this woman's behalf. A week later, the doctors did an x-ray and could not find the nodule and an MRI of her brain came back completely normal!

2. In children's ministry here at Bethel on Sunday mornings, the kids have chapel time for an hour where there is hang out time with pastors, worship, and a lesson. Then there's an hour of Sunday school (with awesome Sunday school teachers like me :D). 5th grade students who go to Sunday night school of ministry get to be "interns" during Sunday service and help the adults out. This one Sunday during the hang out time, an intern noticed a child complaining that her knee hurt. He went over to her and asked her if he could pray and she said sure. The intern prays for a brief moment and then says, "On a scale of 1 to 2, 1 being completely healed and 2 not being healed yet, how is your knee?" (LOL, this is awesome! It's either healed or it's not. :D) Of course the child's knee was completely better. I love how no one had to encourage him to pray though. It's become a lifestyle for him and he just looks for the opportunities.

3. On Thursdays Bethel sends 700 students out to blitz the city with outreach. One of the outreaches is an elementary school program where Bethel students go into elementary schools and teach the kids about Kingdom stuff. This past week one of the students was teaching kids about healing and how to raise the dead. Deborah Reed, the children's pastor here at Bethel, has great curriculum on this stuff. After the student had finished teaching the kids how to raise the dead, it was time to play outside. Get this...the kids decided to play war outside on the playground and when someone would get killed they would raise him from the dead! Look out public schools, the Kingdom is invading! Yeeeeeaaaaaaahhhhhhh!

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