Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Watch it on God TV

So the feed on GOD TV is better than the fresh fire website. GOD TV is also going to do it live now. People, get online and watch this stuff. God is amazing. Bob Jones told Bill Johnson last week that Redding is next. Crazy. God, come to Ohio!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Revival in Florida

Dude, revival is busting out in Florida. They've extended this meeting because crazy things are breaking out. Check it out online at www.freshfire.ca/ffstream.

God is soooooooooooo good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, April 19, 2008


I haven't been in the mood to blog lately. Sad, I know. I'm still not really feeling it, but I said I would be posting more testimonies, so I need to do it. Here's a good one from the South Africa trip.

Two guys from Bethel went into this hospital to pray for a man who had lung cancer. He was at the hospital receiving chemo. The two guys could sense the despair and hopelessness in the room. The man who was receiving chemo also had his two brothers there. The two men from our team weren't really sure where to start because all three people in the room were so depressed. They decided it would be a good idea to start worshipping God. The two brothers thought it was weird and left. The man receiving chemo continued to lay in his bed as our two guys worshipped and prayed for him. Soon, he began to feel heat in his chest. They prayed a little longer and the man's countenance had definitely become brighter. The next day, one of our team member's got a call on his cell phone stating that morning the man was sitting on the edge of his bed laughing. When the doctors took an x-ray of his chest they couldn't find any cancer. It was all gone!

I like this one from Ecuador.

A team of ours was ministering in a church somewhere in Ecuador. On the way to the church all of them had gotten quite drunk with the Holy Spirit and had been laughing pretty hard. When they got to the church they went upstairs to continue interceding for that night's service. When the pastor saw what they were doing he told them it was unacceptable to do that in their church. Our team was excited to hear that. They sat in the first row of the church with the interpreters and pretty soon one of the interpreters was laughing pretty hard. Another interpreter said, "You don't understand, my joy is deep inside." As soon as he said it he doubled over in laughter. By the end of the night, our team had most of the congregation laughing and dancing around. One of the fruits of the Spirit is joy. :)

Sunday, April 13, 2008

A little taste...

It is true that I'm back in the great land of the USofA. To hold you over until I muster up the energy for a proper post, below is a picture of how our team had to shower. 1 bucket every other day. Yes, it was an adventure. :D