It is true that I'm back in the great land of the USofA. To hold you over until I muster up the energy for a proper post, below is a picture of how our team had to shower. 1 bucket every other day. Yes, it was an adventure. :D
Hey Nen, I cannot even imagine how gross you must have felt. I bet you showered until the cows came home (you called 'em in, right?) Ha! I am not even sure one could have a proper "post" or much of anything "proper" after showering in a bucket! I won't ask about other things of that nature. I'll leave that up to the boys!
Glad you are back safe and sound. I do want to hear stories about your trip. After the resurrection story to start the trip off with, I am thinking it would be tough to top that one. But, I want YOUR personal experiences! That's the good stuff! Shoot straight from the hip, sista.
Enjoy your own bed, your own sheets, your peace and quiet.
I never know what to write in these little sections. So, here goes...In 2007-2008 I attended Bethel's School of Supernatural Ministry, which is why this blog was created. It was a life changing experience! Now I hardly ever blog because I just don't know what to write about and honestly, I find keeping in touch with people on Facebook is just easier. I am currently living in Fishers, IN with my hubby, Ben, which would mean another redesign of this blog and that's not likely to happen anytime soon. I do occasionally update my classroom blog. Other tidbits...I like to play outside, but on rainy days I prefer to curl up and watch a good movie or HGTV. My absolute favorite food is Dunkin' Donuts (chocolate with sprinkles), but in general I'm partial to crunchy textures. Go Bengals! (Yes, football is the best sport ever.)
Hey Nen, I cannot even imagine how gross you must have felt. I bet you showered until the cows came home (you called 'em in, right?) Ha! I am not even sure one could have a proper "post" or much of anything "proper" after showering in a bucket! I won't ask about other things of that nature. I'll leave that up to the boys!
Glad you are back safe and sound. I do want to hear stories about your trip. After the resurrection story to start the trip off with, I am thinking it would be tough to top that one. But, I want YOUR personal experiences! That's the good stuff! Shoot straight from the hip, sista.
Enjoy your own bed, your own sheets, your peace and quiet.
Love, Virgie
Eeegads!! I would say that counts as "dying to yourself" :) :) If it were about points and not grace, you'd get about 1000 for that one! :)
Glad you made it back! Can't wait to hear all the God stories!
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