Saturday, May 10, 2008


Well da boyz have gone back to Cincinnati and I'm left here to wrap up my year. I know I've said it a thousand times, but I can't wait to get back home!

I heard an amazing speaker yesterday at school, Mario Murillo. Very dynamic, in your face, this is my opinion speaker. Just the way I like it. He was talking about relevance and it was sooooooo good. I can't stand it when churches water everything down to be relevant to a certain people or age group. What we possess in the Kingdom of God is so amazing that we should just be who we are. Raw power and the love of God will draw people in. People don't need another seeker friendly church where they can here an uplifting message about how great we are or a message about how wrong they are and they better repent or they're going straight to hell. People need authenticity, love, and people who can back up what they preach. People need an ENCOUNTER with the love and power of Jesus. Being in tune with the Holy Spirit is relevant because He'll tell you what to do and what to say to people to be relevant.

Such good stuff. Can't wait to download it and listen to it again.

1 comment:

Helen Ann said...

I love the thought of just being who we are. Surrender to the love of God - the radical, multi-faceted, completely crazy love of God - and the rest will follow. The more I do that the more I learn that there is nothing wrong with who I am if I allow the Holy Spirit to uncover me from the BS that the world has thrown on me.

"Relevance" was a good idea until it became a fad. I can see "revival" going that way, too, sadly.