Monday, March 31, 2008

Crazy Rainbow

Today was a nice day. I don't go back to work until tomorrow, so I slept in. Then I ate a little breakfast, played my keyboard, and went for a walk. After I got cleaned up I decided to go to the prayer house. It was good. To continue this play by play entry, I'll tell you that after the prayer house I went to Walgreens. It was on my way there that I noticed the awesomeness below. This rainbow went all the way around the sun. I've heard that they do this, but I've never seen it. Then there was another one coming off the circle too. It was crazy gorgeous and I was the only weirdo trying to capture it with my cell phone camera. They don't work all that great, but I'm glad I had something to capture the moment. After I took a bazillion pictures I continued about my day. Hope you enjoy.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Easter Reflections

I love Easter weekend. For the past couple of years Easter is such a monumental weekend of my year. It's not because of the Easter basket filled with candy or getting to hang out with family, but it's honestly all about Jesus. Every year I get rocked to my core when I think about what went on over these three days. Good Friday is always crazy for me. I can't even imagine what Jesus went through for all of us. He was beaten so badly, carried a heavy cross knowing He would die, and then hung on it for hours realizing that His sacrifice would give all of humanity the chance to live under the grace of God. He died so that we might have the greatest access to God than any other person in history. Prophets of the old covenant longed for the day we live in today. I can't even put into words my emotions for I feel as if I could explode into tears or laugh hysterically about how good He is.

Tuesday at school was one of the best moments of my life and it's been a whirlwind of goodness since then. Pastor Bill could feel a heavy anointing when he got up to talk to us, so he decided to lay hands on every student in the room. It was the fastest 2.5 hours of my life and the greatest. Better than any miracle I've seen or any award I've won. Again, I'm at a loss for words to describe to you the emotions I felt that day. Someday, if you would like to hear it in person I will try to form words that would do it justice.

I can't even listen to worship music right now because I just weep at who He is. It's amazing and better than anything in this world. Anything.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

God is on the move

I've been seeing such as increase of God lately. Bill Johnson was also just talking about the increase the other day in class. More and more people are experiencing healings and miracles. What's amazing to me is the increase of testimonies of people healed over the phone or from prayers across state lines. Also, what God is doing in children is completely astounding. So, here are a few testimonies to get you jazzed up.

1. A student in the school of ministry recently found out that her mom was having seizures and that they found a nodule on her lung. After the daughter received this news she announced it in school and all 500 of us stood to pray on this woman's behalf. A week later, the doctors did an x-ray and could not find the nodule and an MRI of her brain came back completely normal!

2. In children's ministry here at Bethel on Sunday mornings, the kids have chapel time for an hour where there is hang out time with pastors, worship, and a lesson. Then there's an hour of Sunday school (with awesome Sunday school teachers like me :D). 5th grade students who go to Sunday night school of ministry get to be "interns" during Sunday service and help the adults out. This one Sunday during the hang out time, an intern noticed a child complaining that her knee hurt. He went over to her and asked her if he could pray and she said sure. The intern prays for a brief moment and then says, "On a scale of 1 to 2, 1 being completely healed and 2 not being healed yet, how is your knee?" (LOL, this is awesome! It's either healed or it's not. :D) Of course the child's knee was completely better. I love how no one had to encourage him to pray though. It's become a lifestyle for him and he just looks for the opportunities.

3. On Thursdays Bethel sends 700 students out to blitz the city with outreach. One of the outreaches is an elementary school program where Bethel students go into elementary schools and teach the kids about Kingdom stuff. This past week one of the students was teaching kids about healing and how to raise the dead. Deborah Reed, the children's pastor here at Bethel, has great curriculum on this stuff. After the student had finished teaching the kids how to raise the dead, it was time to play outside. Get this...the kids decided to play war outside on the playground and when someone would get killed they would raise him from the dead! Look out public schools, the Kingdom is invading! Yeeeeeaaaaaaahhhhhhh!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Never a dull day at the park

I went down to the river to walk again. The geese have started to hiss at my other walking spot so I won't be hanging out there for awhile. The river walk has been crowded since it's so nice out, but today topped all other days. As I'm approaching the trail head I notice this family walking their two pets. These weren't ordinary pets, these were llamas. One "blond" one and one "chocolate" one as I call it. The brown one was a little anxious around people so it was making noise and jumping around. A bunch of kids naturally wanted to pet them. I just laughed and walked around them. I didn't want to be around when the brown one decided to spit.

There were also a bunch of people walking puppies (so cute!) I want a dog so bad, but wouldn't have the slightest idea what to do with one as far as training. There's a little girl in my preschool who's labrador is about to have puppies. I would so take home a chocolate one! It's a good thing we can't have one here at the apartment and the fact that I'm never home. Otherwise...

I'm so glad the sun will be out longer after dinner. More workout time. Really need to get back into shape.

The plans are coming together for the family Easter road trip. So excited. We'll be stopping to see the Redwoods and Napa Valley. Those are just a few of the highlights.

As far as Mexico mission trip plans, argh, not very organized. The dates will be somewhere around the 6th-12th, but I heard different dates at our last meeting. We're supposed to have another meeting this Friday so we'll see what happens. I'll keep you posted.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

I remember now...

On my previous post I knew there was something I was forgetting. So here it is...

This is important...

I have to decide which name I want on my certificate of graduation from Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry. Should I go with

A) Jenny Horgan
B) Jennifer Lynne Horgan

Vote now. Whatever silly names you come up with will not be accepted and then Bethel will just choose for me. :)

Cool little diddies from the past couple of days

Last night was Children's Ministry home group and we always have dinner first. I took some Double Stuff Oreos for desert because my mom and sister didn't even crack into them when they were hear and I didn't want the whole package sitting here because I would surely eat them all. They were a big hit. This really cool lady from England was sitting next to me. She was about to bite into her cookie when she announced that she had never tasted an Oreo and she was so fortunate to get the last one. I felt bad that she didn't have a glass of milk to get the full experience, but she enjoyed the cookie nonetheless. Can you imagine never eating an oreo until your adult life? I can't.

We soon began discussing our favorite foods and of course I was asking the people at the table if they've ever heard of Dunkin' Donuts. One guy quickly chimed in that he too was a big fan. I was describing some of my personal favorites and then explaining to them how they advertise on tv out here and it drives me nuts because there isn't one any where around here. The same lady who had never had an oreo before said very seriously, "You know, I think we could pray about this. Like, God there is a real need here in Redding for a Dunkin' Donuts." We all laughed about it, but I like the way she thinks.

On Tuesday Pastor Bill was in and he was talking to us about the weight of God's glory. Last week he was reading a story to us about Smith Wigglesworth (a great healing evangelist from back in the day) and how people would have to crawl out of his meetings because they felt like they would die (because of the weight of God's glory). There were times when Wigglesworth was the only guy left in the room. Well, last week Bethel had the Prophetic & Arts conference and Kris Vallotton had invited some friends who were not yet Christians. The one guy was a Hollywood producer whom he met on a plane and has since been dialoguing with. This producer brought a few of his friends to see what Bethel was like. (By the end they were totally wowed and had never felt so loved, but back to the story.) So one day during the conference the worship was flowing along and this producer and his two friends had to leave the room. They told Bill and Kris later that they felt like someone had sucked all the oxygen out of the room and they would die if they stayed in there. Incredible! Bill went onto say that not all of us had to exit because we had created an atmosphere within ourselves to house God's glory. Our goal though is to cultivate within us the ability to carry that presence everywhere we go.

One more story. A student in the school had his mom and her friend in for the conference last week. The mom's friend had bought some DVDs from John Paul Jackson, but when she was due to go back home she couldn't find them anywhere. They looked all over the place and nothing turned up. They prayed that they would be in her suitcase when she got home. Once the lady returned home she still couldn't find her DVDs, so she called Bethel one more time to see if they had found them. Still nothing. The next morning the woman got up and went to turn on some worship music. Directly on top of her cd player laid the DVDs that she had bought at the conference. God is amazing.

Okay, I know I'm forgetting something that I wanted to write about, but I'll have to save it for another day. Pray for Holly, she's still hacking like crazy. (No, that wasn't the something I forgot.) Peace out.

Sunday, March 2, 2008


Mom, Kelly and I just had a great time at the Prophetic & Arts Conference at Bethel. It was amazing. Deborah Crone, Akiane, John Paul Jackson, and Kris Vallotton were the speakers. Deborah just started painting two years ago and now has her work in top art galleries in Hawaii. The owner of the gallery gave her the premiere spot because people are so drawn to her art and keep buying it. (We heard lots more during the conference about how believer's artwork can totally lead someone to an encounter with Jesus) If you haven't heard of Akiane go to this website She's amazing. She's only 13, but she paints these amazing pictures and writes poetry. She's literally been to heaven several times (one time the police were called because her whole body actually went-she appeared right in front of the police 5 hours later). We also were "activated" in doing prophetic art. It was so FUN! We didn't know there would be hands on sessions so it was a nice surprise. It was probably the best conference I've been to. Mom and kelly also got to experience their first fire tunnel on the last night of the conference so they were pumped about that.

I got a great shot of Kelly asleep in the car, but she really doesn't want me to post it. I crack up every time I look at it though.

Alright, lots more to get done today. Got to go.