Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Bird Poop and Cute Elderly Couples

It's been a good, busy week. I've had several lunch dates with people and some good times outside. (If you haven't been outside in the last week, you should make it a priority. It's been GORGEOUS.)

Monday I went to the zoo with some kids I used to babysit. They're not so little anymore though. The oldest is going into 7th grade, which made me feel old. I've watched her since she was an itty bitty newborn. Anyway, after eating some Skyline we went to the zoo. It was the perfect day, not too hot. We were walking around, the kids were reading their maps and having a great time. And then it happened. The first time in my life ever. A bird pooped on me. Now, it couldn't have hit my shirt or my shoe or anything. Nope. Had to hit me in the face. Right in my eye. It was really gross. I didn't freak out or anything, but I was seriously squirming on the inside. Even after I had gotten home and showered just thinking about it made me squirm. Thankfully, most of it landed on my sunglasses, but I did have to wipe some from underneath my eye. After getting cleaned up and walking around a few more exhibits (probably about 20 minutes worth) the five year old looks up at me and says, "You still have poop on your face." Great. For the past 20 minutes I had still been walking with poop crusted up in my eyebrow and he was the only one nice enough to tell me. Yuck. Other than that it was perfect and the giraffes are amazing.

Today I was walking down at Fernbank and there were lots of people picnic-ing. It was a great day for it yet again. Some people brown bagged it, while others drove through the local McDonalds. There were lots of older couples enjoying lunch together and they just looked so content and happy with each other. By the river, there was a couple just relaxing in the shade in those old lawn chairs that are latched together with the extremely uncomfortable plastic/tweed material that always leaves horrible imprints on the back of your legs. They've probably had the chairs for the last 40 years but, they were content. I'm not explaining the feeling I felt looking at them very well, but it was good.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


I played Monopoly the other day for the first time in years and I literally mean years. It was beautiful. I landed on Free Parking 7 times...if only I could collect this much money in real life. :p I also had the only monopoly on properties (I didn't even know this was a rule) so I put some hotels on those puppies and cleaned out the competition. And, I got into a really hard laughing fit at one point and I haven't laughed that hard in a while. Laughter is good for you, it justs makes everything better.

I also made a visit to King's Island over the past weekend. I was a little sad that the Racer doesn't go backwards anymore and at how rough it has gotten (or perhaps how old I have). However, Firehawk, the new rollarcoaster completely redeemed my sadness about the Racer. Good ride. As for the waterpark, they need to do something about all that concrete, it seriously hurts your feet and I've got pretty tough feet.

I don't know what happened to the weather today. Last I heard it was supposed to be 95 and sunny. Pool day. Then I wake up and it's storming. Guess I should do more job hunting. It looks like teaching is out for this year, no one wants me. :p