Sunday, May 11, 2008

Car Woes

Had to take my vehicle to the Honda dealer AGAIN. This is getting old. I love my car, feel fabulous in it, all that good stuff, but I've never heard of such a young Honda needing so many repairs. Since I have arrived in California I've had to replace the water pump, rear differential, and the complete air conditioning unit. To Honda's credit, they have been wonderful about giving me a break on the cost of repairs, but geez louise, give me a break. I have no idea what's wrong with it now, but I hate not having a car. Yesterday when I put it in reverse, it made this awful grinding and then a clunk noise. When I put it in drive it was fine, but a few minutes down the road it started vibrating horribly and then grinding when I accelerated. Today when I started it I thought the engine was going to drop out it because it was so loud and shaky. I made it to Honda, wrote them a little love note, and walked home.

The walk home was good. It was a gorgeous morning and I walked across a bridge over the river. I'm really going to miss the river and the scenery here. Everything is kind of centrally located around the river, so I'm by it a lot. I stopped and got a Starbucks on the way home and the lady asked me if I was a mom. (I guess I looked old today or something.) I politely said no although I can't wait to be one and she said, "Oh not yet anyway." That's right, thank you very much, I'll take that for myself.

I missed church this morning, but apparently it turned into a healing meeting again. Bill was praying for people and then Danny Silk got up on stage and was completely drunk. Even though I only have a few weeks left at Bethel, I enjoyed my walk this morning and don't really feel guilty about missing church. :)

I did some packing today. I was supposed to save that for when school is done and I have nothing to do in the afternoons, but I was bored today, so I got it done. 26 more days until departure...


Helen Ann said...

Someone doesn't want you mobile! You're dangerous! :) I pray that your car will be fixed up and no more troubles will arise!

Your pastor was DRUNK? Shame on him - what a terrible example to his flock! ;-)



melanie said...

the lady asked me if I was a mom. (I guess I looked old today or something.)

What is that supposed to mean???????

Jenny said...

Because most people fall over when I tell them I'm 23. I'm used to people telling me I look so young, so I was shocked when someone asked me if I was a mom. Not that moms look old, just that I looked old enough to be a mom. Although in today's world I guess it doesn't matter...

melanie said...

I think you're rambling now and you should stop before you make it worse! I was a young mom. Well, it felt young, but I know some moms who were really young, like teens. I was 22, but I still think of myself as that age. Then I buy hair dye and remember...